Hello! I am Asher aka Ashuribbon, and I am hosting the first-ever two MAPs of its kind known as Team Battle MAPs! For more information regarding Team Battle MAPs, click the buttons below!If you have any additional questions, reach out to me by Discord (Ashuribbon#7279) or email ([email protected]) or my social media below!


Team Battle MAPs, created by Ashuribbon (that's me!), are not your ordinary MAPs. Inspired by Art Fight, these MAPs are what it says on the label, where two teams are put in two MAPs and compete against each other.Participants who partake in these MAPs have end up in two separate teams: Both of them with their own obstacles and difficulties that are shown in the MAP call. The animators must collaborate with the participants in their team and battle against the opposing team within the 90 days after the participants are selected, so in the 3-month time period, the animators have to band together and race against time before it runs out!The team that gets all parts done within the 90 days, or the team that gains the highest points by the time said 90 days are over, wins the game!However, if a teammate fails to communicate, or doesn't say whether or not they want to drop out of the MAP or show any progress of their part in 20 days, they are disqualified.There aren't any prizes, it's meant to be for fun and for sport, and for animators young and old to have fun animating together in the form of friendly competition! Animation is for everyone, and it also applies to MAProjects!


The point system serves as a little way to know the total points the teams have! The higher the points, the more likely one of the teams will win!
Of course, it's important to remind people that animation takes time, so don't stress yourself out just because you want the bonus points! Again, Team Battle MAPs are made for fun and friendly competition!

  • WIPS: 5 points

WIPs play a focal role in Team Battle MAPs! For each WIP you show, it benefits not just yourself, but the full team! The more WIPs you post, the higher your score will be, so WIP spamming is encouraged!

  • Helpers (10 helpers maximum): .5 points

When in doubt, or when in times of distress, sound the alarm and call for help! For each person you let collaborate, it increases the points for your WIPs!The only downside is that you can get 10 people maximum to help you. If one participant drops from a collab, the .5 points will be deducted. This does not, however, affect any past WIPs the participant(s) submitted.

  • Finished MAP part: 30 points

The average MAP part that's completed is 30 points! Bonus points are added to the 30 points if the animator(s) end up completing it in the following times:


  • 24-hour speedster: 60 points

Those who finish their part within the span of 24 hours will end up helping the team by a ton, helping them reach 60 points. It's a very rare chance that it'll happen.

  • 48-hour/72-hour speedster: 50 points

Those who finish their part within the span of 48/72 hours will give a firm boost to the team

  • 1-week/2-week Finisher: 40 points

Those who finish their part within the span of 1-2 weeks (pretty much how I usually have my MAPs). Animation takes time, so 40 points is the bonus points!


Team Battle MAPs are made for everyone, and no need for a Discord (though it can be useful for easier communication) since you can reach me for any social media you provided!
That being said, the rules of the Team Battle MAPs are as follows:

  1. These MAPs are beginner friendly and welcome artists of all levels. HOWEVER, they are not first-come-first-serve as there needs to be examples on your social media. No examples = no chance of getting in.

  2. While it is a Team Battle MAP, it still has its traits like most MAPs. You are required to communicate with me and the participants daily to ensure you're working.

  3. Failure to give any WIPs within the first 20 days will be disqualified and dropped from the Team Battle MAPs.

  4. Since it is a Team Battle MAP, you have 90 days to complete the MAP, or 3 months. 90 days is a lot of time.

  5. Since we're talking competition, don't insult the opposing team and don't ESPECIALLY insult any participants who were in the losing team. It's a way to get yourself disqualified from future Team Battle MAPs.

  6. You are not allowed to participate if you are in the general DNI criteria (p-do, racist, etc), anti-LGBT, or just a general bigot. Don't bother joining the MAPs if you're just going to troll, either.


Team Battle MAPs often shift two times a year. What you're seeing are the current Team Battle MAPs being hosted.



Team Battle MAPs are meant to be challenging but also for sport, where animators can have fun together and improve while competing. However, even Team Battle MAPs have its standards, as we prioritize health, both mental and physical.If you find yourself to end up in a bad state of mind, whether it be because of a tragedy, or stress, or pressure, there is no shame in saying you can't do your MAP part. It's not the end of the world if you are unable to participate and have to end up dropping out, needing help, or switch to backup for any given reason. Especially so if you are a young animator trying to find a place in the world, you are meant to be human and not force yourself. Seeing patterns of bad MAP hosts who exploit younger animators (and my experiences too with bad MAP hosts who've done this alongside other bad things) and forceful crunch times is not good, unhealthy even.For Team Battle MAPs, we believe that self-care is meant to be helpful. No teammate should be afraid to say "no" or feel they have to force themselves. No one should feel they have to do their parts alone. That's why we let people collab with one another, because we believe in the idea of helping hands and
mental health first.
Also, if you feel unsafe because of someone you know who has done something bad to you, or is deemed bad in any form (whether it be z--phile, p-dophile, racist, etc.), do not be afraid to reach out! We do not allow nasties in these MAPs, as we care for our participants, both big and small.